Exam Day Test Center
Visit www.credentia.com/test-center-exams for information on what to expect and how to best prepare for your test center exam.
Checking In
- You must arrive thirty (30) minutes before your scheduled time for BOTH the written examination (if offered at a test site) and for the skills evaluation. If you are late, you will not be allowed to test and your fees will not be refunded.
- Please arrive thirty (30) minutes prior to your scheduled time. Skills Evaluation test times are approximate.
NOTE: You will be required to check in for both the written examination and for the skills evaluation. You will be required to present proper identification.
You MUST have the following items with you when you take the NNAAP Examination:
- Two (2) forms of proper identification
- Three (3) No. 2 pencils (sharpened)
- Eraser
- Analog watch with a sweeping seconds hand (not a digital or Smartwatch)
No other materials will be allowed.
Security And Cheating
If you give help to or receive help from anyone during the Skills examination, the examination will be stopped. The incident will be reported to the DSHS for review, and your examination will not be scored.
NOTE: All examination questions, each form of the examination, and all other examination materials are copy- righted by and the property of Credentia. Consequently, any distribution of the examination content or materials through any form of reproduction, or through oral or written communication, is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Anyone who removes or tries to remove examination materials or information from the test site will be prosecuted.